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All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5 v18)

Definition: Acting to save someone from error or evil, reclaiming, buying back.

Key Words: Forgiveness, reconciliation, ‘restorative practice’, speaking and acting for fairness (prophetic), justice, learning from failure, have regard for the environment.

Biblical Example: The life of Jesus was lived to ‘seek and save the lost’ (Luke 19 v10) that our relationship with God might be restored.  This redemptive action restores dignity to those who have lost it, brings help to the hopeless and speaks justice to the downtrodden.  This loving and redemptive nature of God is at the very heart of the ‘Good News’ of the Christian faith.

The ability to forgive is central to developing a redemptive outlook.  The Lord’s Prayer, which we use each week at Wren, reminds us that we ask for God’s forgiveness ‘as we forgive those who sin against us’.  To be redemptive is to let go of past hurts and disappointments and move forward in hope.  While we recognise the context each person comes from, we refuse to believe that context should limit opportunity to succeed and contribute to the common good.

In The Classroom: As we see through our thinking about Reflection and Resilience, the ability to fail and learn from the experience is a significant part of our vision.  Being Redemptive is to forgive ourselves as well as others.

Through our approach to learning, we seek to develop a generous understanding of the world that is concerned about fairness, willing to challenge injustice and trying to live sustainably.  If we are just in the classroom, it will be a fair place.  This means all students will be given opportunity to progress and receive the support they require.  We will ensure classrooms feel safe and allow all to contribute.  It also means we will not allow poor behaviour to prevent the progress of others and be willing to examine if there is any prejudice, even unconscious, within us that may impact those who we teach.

Around The Academy: Our commitment to reconciliation can be seen through our support of restorative justice, which seeks to repair broken relationships through better mutual understanding and respect.

Our collective worship emphasises the Christian hope of forgiveness and God’s love for all, regardless of human classifications and stereotypes.  Our tutorial resources and charitable events seek to develop students’ commitment to equality and justice; these are supported by elements of Focus Days and PSHE.