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Anyone who hears these words of mine and obeys them is like a wise builder who built the house on rock (Matthew 7 v24)

Definition: Having the ability to find quick or clever ways to overcome difficulties, knowing how to use the gifts, opportunities and assets one has effectively.

Key Words: Questioning, imagining, capitalising, stewarding, connecting.

Biblical Example: In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus tells the story of a rich man who, when going away on business, leaves three of his servants with various amounts of money.  Those who invested the money, putting it to use, are praised.  The servant who hides the money, fearful that he will be condemned for not doing well, finds the master is disappointed at his failure to try and the little he has taken away (Luke 19 v11-27).  Throughout Scripture, there is a strong sense that resources are to be well used, not simply for personal satisfaction, but with an awareness of the wider community, particularly the vulnerable and poor.  In the Old Testament, at harvest some of the crops were to be left for those with nothing and the Genesis stories of creation see humanity as being given ‘stewardship’ over the earth by God.  There is also regular condemnation for those who use what they have selfishly or dishonestly.

In The Classroom: To be resourceful we need to recognise the knowledge, experience and resources we have to meet any challenge and use these to produce the best outcome possible.  Resourcefulness demands time for learners to explore possibilities and may lead to unexpected outcomes.  It will often happen best when working collaboratively and when process is deliberately reflected on.  Being resourceful will support students in drawing on prior learning, capitalising on what they already know and making links between that and the new challenge they face.

Around The Academy: Opportunities to develop resourcefulness include charity events, where skills and talents can be put to use for others, activities such as DofE, Focus Day activities and competitions.  Resourcefulness is best developed when students are given space to explore solutions and nudged towards answer where needed, but not when answers are too easy or outcomes overly managed.  We recognise that resourcefulness and creativity are closely related and encourage independent thought.