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Collective Worship

Religious Education and Collective Worship 

As a Church of England School, we expect students to engage regularly with Religious Education and Collective Worship.  This will allow students to consider moral and spiritual values and the chance to explore their own beliefs.  It is important to point out that no one at Wren will ever be expected to say or do things that compromise their own personal set of beliefs.  However, we do expect everyone to show tolerance and respect for all other members of our community. 

Part of the responsibility which all of our Sixth Form students must exercise is the organisation of their studies.  Whilst Wren Academy has a range of support in place for our students, it remains the case that A Level study places more responsibility upon them for their own learning than anything they have previously encountered.  First and foremost, students will be expected to always work hard and to follow the guidance of their teachers.  All work set in class and for home learning must be completed fully.  It will be the responsibility of students to discuss academic issues with their teachers and to ask questions when they do not understand or want to find out more. 

Sixth Form students will also be expected to read around their subjects and not to stick just to the texts which form part of the examination syllabus.  As well as inspiring interest, this wider reading may well be valuable when it comes to university applications.