
Resources and Community Committee - Chair Mr Alan McLean

The Committee will take a strategic approach which focuses on resources and the interaction of the academy with the wider community.  It will monitor how resources are deployed to ensure that provision is outstanding and has a positive impact on every member of the Academy.  The committee will exercise responsibility for and have oversight of resources, community, communications and associated policies.

The terms of Reference for the Resources and Community Committee can be found here

Students and Curriculum Committee - Chair Ms Gonal Daniels

The Committee monitors all aspects of the student experience in both primary and secondary phases.  It aims to ensure that the leadership of the Academy ensures that every student is given every opportunity to flourish as they learn and develop to their full potential in a safe and secure learning environment.  The Committee will exercise responsibility for and have oversight of students, curriculum and associated policies.

The terms of Reference for the Students and Curriculum Committee can be found here